Wednesday, June 22, 2022

June 21 - “Enter the king”

First full day of camp. It feels kind of weird not to be writing in rhyme to the tune of “I’m a Nut.”  But I’m technically not a counselor this time. So no brain challenge. Just physical. It continues to hit triple digits around here.


I discovered a coffee machine in the hotel breezeway room where we are staying. Good thing. By the time I got to that point in the breakfast line, they were completely out of coffee.  Breakfast was kind of a typical camp affair. Scrambled eggs. Biscuits and gravy. No butter though. Very weird.


Celebration was fun. They play all kinds of strange games for very large groups. They also do some wacky stunts showcasing a kid or two from each church. Our guy did a good job catching marshmallows tossed at him. Enough for second place. Once that wrapped up, we all headed outside for another round of games there. The one Chris and I saw involved the boys from Columbus Ave and water. Lots and lots of water. The guys showed themselves to be pretty water/battle savvy.


After lunch we went to our Church group Bible study time. They were blessed with a special Visual Verse from the visiting weirdo actor. It will be the memory verse for the week, and we’ll have several different ways to help them remember it. The Bible study reinforced the teaching from the night before. Michelle did a great job, especially considering this was supposed to be Cecily’s turn. She had to head home with a possible broken foot. Nice job, Michelle. Miss ya, Cecily.


The highlight of the day was when Columbus had their turn on the zip line. We sat in the hot sun-sauna to watch the kiddos make their runs. No counselors went this year. Too many kids. But Luke did manage to sneak in there and make his inaugural run. Did a great job, too. No screaming that we could hear.


Chris and I went back to the room instead of to the pool next. I had to work on my character for the interview during worship. King Josiah of Judah. This is the one where I wore the elaborate king costume from Columbus Ave. Did I mention that Chris is a great one to work with? When I was trying to get the gist of the conversation learned, she read quietly. When I was ready, she went over the script with me and made sure I knew the lines. Guess the preparation worked OK. I even managed to throw Josh a curve ball or two. Like when I mentioned Chip-eth and Yohannah and the Property Brethren. Luke, however, was the star of the show. He came on stage to show what an 8-year-old king would look like. I even took off my crown and put it on his head. It slipped down around his chin. After the service the lead singer of the band asked how often Josh and I did things like this together. I answered, “This week.”  He couldn’t believe this was our first time. It was great fun all around.


After worship we went over to the swimming pool for a root beer float and an evening swim. Except we didn’t swim. I ended up talking with one of the Columbus Ave sponsors, a college student who feels called to the ministry. Great young man. I pray he has a good future serving the Lord.


Proverbs 4:23 says, Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.


Father, please be with Jeffrey as he continues his college career. And bless his coming marriage as well. Amen.

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