Wednesday, June 29, 2022

June 29 - “Yoda ear”

Started my day around 5 a.m. emptying boxes again. When Chris got up she went for a walk. I got down to just one box remaining before I would have to start the really hard stuff. That would be putting them in order in the shelf. Why did I stop at one? 


Well, we had to take Freddy in to the vet. Her left ear was beginning to get really swollen, to the point where she was even walking with her head cocked to one side and shaking her head all the time. We had to do the visit as a walk-in, so it took about an hour to get seen.


Of course it was something significant. Ear infection to make a long story short. She had to have the ear drained and cleaned and steroided. Then she had a hefty shot of antibiotics. If for some reason this doesn’t work, she’ll have to have surgery. Glad we don’t have a trip planned for a week or two. They took her back at around ten. They returned with her shortly thereafter with her ear wrapped up so that she looked like half of Yoda. We go back Saturday morning to get the wrappings removed and have the vet check out her work.


The Kel family came by in the afternoon. They went to the library, so it was an easy stop here. They were amused / amazed at the preponderance of books on the floor and haphazardly strewn upon the new shelves. It will take me a while to get them up on the shelves in some semblance of order.


John 1:12 says, “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”


Father, thank you for the skill and wisdom of the vet today in taking care of Freddy. Help her heal quickly. Amen

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