Tuesday, August 3, 2021

August 3 – “Faster than a speeding …”

I was afforded the opportunity to ride to Baytown with Jachin yesterday.  First time I have ridden in the car while he was driving as I can recall.  Driven around by a grandson.  Sigh.  He’s a really good driver, too.  Stays under the speed limit.  Aware of his surroundings.  And he passed my one and only pet peeve test for driving on Galveston Island.  He stopped at the red light at 61st Street as you are entering the Island.  He was in the middle lane.  The light was red and he was first in line.  And unlike 98% of all drivers on the Island in that position … he did not turn right on red.  That’s right.  He actually obeyed the clearly posted traffic law at the intersection.  Well, obviously not as clear as it could be, since very few people obey it.  But way to go, Jachin. 


Oh, so why were we driving to Baytown in the first place?  He had a pitching lesson at an indoor facility there. Other than being hot, which is not a real negative for what he was doing, the facility was amazing.  The guy had netting set up everywhere.  He also had numerous little gadgets, and even a radar gun that announced how fast each pitch was traveling.  Jachin’s fastest was usually around 67 miles per hour.  Guess that’s good for him.  The coach was impressed with him, anyway.  Hmm.  Just thought of something.  His fastball traveled faster than the car ever went on the freeway …


Back at home Noa and Ezra were apparently creating their own games.  I found a few pieces of scrap paper around my desk that were interesting.  I recycle scrap paper from documents I don’t need any more.  One piece was one of the extra invitations to the anniversary at Seaside.  Noa had repurposed it for art work.  Instead of writing on the back, she chose to embellish the front.  There was a cute little picture of a smiling person.  She also added in the words, “love you family!”  That’s my closing mantra every Sunday.  Also, on the floor nearby, I found a post-it note with these words written on it: “Little Fry Seaside Church.”  So there you go.  Kel, you might want to consider hiring her as a PR director for the future.


Ecclesiastes 12:13 says, “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.”


Father, thank you for showing me a display of athletic skill and up-and-coming creativity all in one day.  Amen.

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