Saturday, August 21, 2021

August 21 – “It’s all in the journey”

After a quick two-miler (walk, of course), we left the house around ten or so for a quick jaunt into Texas.  Well into Texas.  Not for business, though.  This was a planning excursion.  We had a meeting with some friends to plan out details of a trip we hope to take together.  Where to this time?  Actually Chris had a list of possible locations, ranging from Kentucky to Hawaii and from Belize to the British Isles.  Seems weird to be even talking about going to those exotic places. 


We stopped for lunch on the road.  Buc-ees, of course.  I had their signature BLT.  The mayo if a bit spicy, but their bacon is … bacon.  Nice and thick.  Chris had her Buc-ees go-to chicken salad.  Good stuff.


When we drove up we saw not one, but two of those luxury busses drive up.  Not that unusual a sight at Buc-ees, but the logo imprinted on the side caught my attention.  “Baseball Tours.”  As people streamed out, I noticed one guy in a Seattle Mariners jersey.  Well, that’s who the Astros were scheduled to play, so I figured they must be on their way to the game.  Then I saw a few other jerseys.  Padres.  Giants.  Even the dreaded Dodgers.  Definitely caught my attention.  Chris struck up a conversation in the restroom line with one of the ladies.  Seems it was a baseball tour originating in Wisconsin.  They will see eight major league games in eleven days.  From Chicago (White Sox) to Kansas City (Royals) to Arlington (Two games here - Rangers) to Houston (Astros) to New Orleans (I know.  No baseball team there.  That’s to be their two-day break from baseball with some fun in the city) to Atlanta (Braves) to St. Louis (Cardinals) and back to Chicago (Cubs).  Dream vacation here.  Someone else does all the planning and purchasing.  Even all the hotel accommodations.  All you do is relax in a luxury bus and watch baseball.  Let’s go.


John 16:33 says, “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.”


Father, please be with us as we look forward to some traveling, whether by bus or car or even boat or plane.  Amen.


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