Sunday, August 22, 2021

August 22 – “Explosive Powder Power”

Friday on our way out of town I was interrupted from a brief nap (actually I was just momentarily resting my eyes).  Chris was driving, obviously.  We were stopped at a red light.  As I came into full consciousness, I heard the following play by play announcer, and I had to take a listen:


Chris: And she goes up for the mirror.  Adjusts it for proper light and viewing.  POW!  There is the first slap of powder right to the face.  And POW!  Again to the other side.  What a right jab followed by a neatly timed hook. 


Now she’s going in again.  It’s Makeup Time, folks!  She’s actually doing a full-blown makeup touch-up to her eyes.  Yep.  There’s the mascara.  She is truly a master at using one of those little red pen-looking tools, isn’t she?  I wish we could see this application process up close and personal.  Maybe we could get a different angle on replay.  There it is.  Different eye, different angle.  Impressive.  Impressive.


Wait!  She is shifting gears.  The pen is down.  What is coming next?  The count is five.  Six.  Seven.  It’s powder!  More powder!  A right top the jaw!  Another hook to the cheek!  Oh, my.  What explosive Powder Power.  You can see the dust rising from here. 


But that didn’t last long.  Oh, no.  She’s going in for the kill now.  Can you see it?  Lipstick!  Right to the lower middle of the zone.  Perfect aim.  Swooping around to the right … and to the left.  And there she goes, starting again on the bottom lip.  She is really serious about this one. 


Oh.  My.  Goodness.  That has to be the end.  No one could survive such an application.  But wait just a minute here.  Could it be?  No way.  Error on the play!  A blatant application snafu.  Lipstick on the teeth.  What a rookie mistake.  But not to be denied, she has it under control.  Could it be?  Yes!  She has on hand the secret weapon of all secret weapons.  It’s … a Kleenex.  Wipe away that red smudge!  You got it, Girl!  Someone will truly appreciate the time and effort you put into all this preparation.


Me: Um.  Chris?  The light changed.  We can go now.


Editor’s note:  Some of the details of this encounter may or may have received minor embellishment for the sake of clarification.


Colossians 3:3 says, “Bear with one another and forgive one other if any of you has a grievance against someone.  Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”


Father, please be with Kel this morning as he preaches.  Draw the folks to Seaside who you want to be there.  Amen.

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