Sunday, August 15, 2021

August 15 – “It was a Flurry of …”

Well, my very first birthday greetings came at around 12:30 … A.M.  I was sound asleep when suddenly I was awakened.   It took me a few seconds to even together what was happening.  Then I had to extricate myself.  And when I finally figured that out, I pondered the how of the whole thing.  So what could possibly have been the culprit of this strange early morning “Happy Birthday” arousal?  It was a Flurry of … Freddy.  She had jumped into our bed and was trying to snuggle … with my face.  Umm.  Nope.  I guess I forgot to close her door when she went into her kennel for the night.  I scooped her up and carried her back to her bed, explaining that next time she managed a late-night escapade into our bed, she should stick to Chris’ side, or maybe stay at our feet. 


Later in the day, at a much more reasonable hour, although I was already awake at what Chris considered unreasonably early, my lovely wife came in with a birthday present in hand.  She managed to find me one of the Dowdle jigsaw puzzles.  They are my favorite, because they incorporate unusual shapes with historical data and exaggerated artwork.  Not so much Dali-esque, but fun nonetheless. 


Soon thereafter, Chris decided to take her walk.  Oh, she invited me to accompany her, as she usually does.  I declined.  Figured I had earned a day off on my birthday after 68 years. 


I received quite a few well-wishes throughout the day on FaceBook.  Numerous texts as well.  Even a few phone calls.  Thanks to everybody for that.  Feels good to be remembered.  Turkey enchilada pie for dinner.  That’s a family favorite.  Sadly, with no sons to help me, I guess I’ll have to eat the whole thing myself.  Finally I settled in for some Little League baseball (the road to the Little League World Series in Williamsport has begun).  Sadly, the team I was rooting for, from Needville, Texas, was removed from the tournament because someone on the team tested positive for Covid.  Guess I’ll have to root for Abilene now.  Finished out the day with some Astros baseball.  The good guys won that one on the back of not one, but two home runs by the newest rookie, Jake Myers.  And one of the homers was a grand slam.  Welcome to the big leagues, young man.  It did not escape my notice that one of the other stations was carrying that ither sport, the one where they run into each other and chase a wobbly ball around.  No, not rugby.  American football.  But I was too engrossed in America’s original pastime.  Oh, I’ll probably watch part of a football game or two.  Maybe the super bowl.  I hear they have really creative commercials for that one …


1 John 4:19 says, “We love because he first loved us.”


Father, thank you for one more year in the wild and crazy collection of 68 you have already blessed me with.  Amen.

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