Saturday, December 1, 2018

December 1 – “Home is where the ... PT ... is”

Well, once at home the hospital physical therapy staff induced exercise regimen kicked in with a vengeance.  Gotta get as far along as I can before the “real” physical therapy starts where I have to go into the sweat shop and work out for a therapist for an hour.  Although the good thing will be the ice pack at the end.  That always feel good.  But for now … three times a day – nine, two and six … ish – for 45 minutes to an hour at a time.  And that includes, of course, Chris checking up on me when I least expect it to make sure I haven’t fallen asleep or figured out a way to get out of a particularly difficult exercise.  Or two.  Actually there are three that are particularly tough …

I am still seeing random things when I close my eyes after taking the stronger of the pain meds.  Last night I saw with extreme clarity a car belonging to the warden of a Louisiana prison.  How did I know it was his car?  The Louisiana state government issues license plate said so.  Oh, and another thing I noticed about the visions.  They are in black and white.  No color at all.  I was disappointed to realize that one. Maybe I should stick to the other pain pills …

We received an unexpected delivery the other day.  It was a fruit basket with a poinsettia in the middle.  I guess with the romaine lettuce scare we are trying other things in our salads these days.  Seriously, though, it was a very sweet gesture from Trish and Tommy Anderson. 

Psalms 118:28 says, “You are my God, and I will give you thanks; you are my God, and I will exalt you.”

Father, thank you for our fruit basket friends, the Andersons.  Bless them for the concern they showed us.  Amen.

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