Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December 18 – “Dog Day Afternoon … again”

We woke up to another “issue” with one of our dogs.  I was working at my desk, minding my own business.  Chris was sitting in a rocking chair, casually scrolling through the news on her phone.  Freddy was perched on the other rocking chair, napping off and on.  Our wonderfully idyllic scene was then suddenly and rudely interrupted. 

It started with Freddy scratching her ear.  She has done that off and on pretty much since we got her.  Sometimes it gets worse, and we have to do the whole eardrop thing.  This time, however, was different.  The scratching began.  Then the wimpering, also not unusual.  But then … she started having a full-blown seizure.  Shaking all over.  Her front paw pulled up over her face.  She looked at us as if to say, “What is going on here?”  The seizure passed after a long minute or two.  Needless to say, Chris immediately put in a call to the vet.  I told her it was probably some kind of brain damage from that one time she got hit by a car.  For some reason my attempt at humor to lighten the situation was not really appreciated.  Our appointment request was accepted for later in the afternoon. 

Meanwhile we went to Target to try to do some Christmas shopping, since we hadn’t even started.  Anybody else know that feeling?  I located their little buggy riding carts, but decided to give walking a try.  Those buggies just seem like such a … a … WalMart thing to do.  I’d feel like a traitor if I rode one at Target, too.  Besides, I hadn’t been able to get to my exercises yet, and Chris told me this would count as building stamina.  That was a trick way of saying “You will be really tired and sore by the time we get home.”  Gee, you could have just said that up front.  The trip was pretty successful, as Christmas shopping trips go.  On the way home we stopped by Whataburger for a Whataburger Jr. with bacon and mayo (That would be my order.  Chris stays traditional with hers).  We took the grand meal home to eat and crash for a few minutes before taking Freddy to the vet.

All of our regular vets were out of the office, so we saw the holiday help.  She was a doc as well, just not one who knew Freddy’s history.  That meant an exam from top to bottom.  Before she even got to the seizure questions we were dealing with a possible double ear infection and maybe some kind of tear duct blockage.  We acknowledged the ear infection.  That fit with her history.  Not so much the eye thing, though.  After a long wait we were presented with a nicely typed up possible bill depending on what procedures we decided to approve.  Felt like we were at the dentist’s office where you have to approve a “maybe root canal” before they do anything.  We checked off ear infection and blood test for root causes of seizures (finally).  After fifteen or twenty minutes of more waiting, we got the final blood test results.  Freddy is … perfectly healthy in every way (well, except for the ear infection).  The blood work was excellent.  All we do is wait and see if she starts having them all the time.  Otherwise, pick up your bill at the front desk.  Now don’t get me wrong.  We like our vets.  And we like our dogs.  Just not looking forward to another bout with seizures. 

So … our quick trip to the vet to get Freddy checked out?  An hour and a half later we were finally headed back home.  Quite the dog day afternoon.  No more shopping for us on this fine day.  Maybe tomorrow (which would now be today).  Ah, the metaphysics of it all …

Psalms 119:89 says, “Your word, O Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.”

Father, thank you that Freddy’s issue wasn’t as serious as we feared.  Amen.

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