Wednesday, December 5, 2018

December 5 – “Telescopic Vision and the IP Award”

I had another dream/vision episode.  In this one an old friend from about 20 years ago, named Bobby was aiming a rifle from some deserted football stands down toward a neighborhood street below.  He told me he had heard a car come to a stop and really loud music playing a song from Little Mermaid.  He was using the gun scope to check it out.  I turned to the street and was able to see (like I had Superman’s telescopic vision) that there was indeed a car, now empty, with all the doors open.  Oh, and the music was still playing, and somehow I knew it was from Little Mermaid, but I couldn’t tell you the name of the song. Surrounding the car was a bunch of scrawny junior high kids all dressed up like they had been to a dance or something.  They were being read the riot act by their parents – one dad in particular.  Why?  Because they had attempted a home invasion … at their neighbor’s house.  As far as I could tell Bobby never fired the rifle.  As is my custom when I see someone specific in a dream, I spent a few minutes praying for Bobby. 

I had my second physical therapy appointment yesterday.  I figured I had this PT stuff down based on the last one.  And when I realized I had been assigned to the student who had shadowed the therapist last time, I figured I was in and out, easy-peasy.  Umm.  Not so much.  Did you know those machines they have filling up space in that physical therapy department are for more than just to make it look like a spa?  I had to start out riding one of those bike things.  Chris came over to gloat on that one.  Not my favorite thing in the world to do.  I couldn’t get the concept down of what I was supposed to do, though.  Pedal half way, then come back.  Didn’t seem to make sense to me.  How could I ever get to the half-mile mark (My own self-imposed goal)?  As it turned out, I started pedaling all the way around anyway.  Couldn’t help myself.  Next I went to a machine where I laid down on an incline and had to push myself up with my legs.  That one I felt.  Still do.  Then I did some of the old exercises on a table.  Not too bad.  Next was a balance machine that was like playing a video game.  She said I scored a 98%.  But before I could feel too good about myself she said that she could set it to more difficult.  Thanks for that.  Then I just had to walk back and forth a few times.  She noticed that my feet were too close together and left foot instep as turning in as I walked.  Something to work on.  Finished up with an ice pack on the knee.  Whew.  And I have to do it all again on Thursday.  I did get one little bit of affirmation.  I was designated as IP by the student.  That stands for Ideal Patient.  We’ll see how long that lasts.

While I was working out, Chris was socializing with our old neighbors, Mario and Carolyn.  Marion was just finishing up his therapy for the day after his heart attack back in May.  Always good to see them. 

Psalms 119:9-11 says, “How can a young man keep his way pure?  By living according to your word.  I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.  I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

Father, be with Mario as he works through his physical therapy.  And thank you for my little student who is working with me.  Give her a great day.  Amen.

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