Friday, December 21, 2018

December 21 – “The Coffee Pot Altercations”

Now most of you who know me know that I am generally a calm, cool, collected in-control kind of guy.  That is important to establish up front here, for the altercations of which you may have heard came not from my heart in a fit of rage.  Nay, nay.  These confrontations, rather, were simply a rational response to a bit of a crisis situation.

So … what did happen?  It all began back at our Christmas party.  Mrs. Betty wanted a cup of coffee, and whatever Mrs. Betty wants in this house, Mrs. Betty gets.  Chris pushed the brew button and went about her business.  Only “brew” never took place.  Oh, there was noise coming from the coffee maker, all right.  And the water even appeared to be heating up.  But did it ever slide through onto the waiting grounds?  No, it did not.  Now in that situation we just happened to have had our good neighbors present at the time, so Janell went across the street and brought theirs over.  Crisis averted.  Mrs. Betty got her coffee. 

Chris spent the next day running vinegar through the mechanism three or four times.  And when she was finished, the machine was working perfectly.  And so it did for the next few days.  Right up until … it didn’t.  Same issue.  All noise and no substance.  Kind of like somebody claiming to be a Christian but not living a consistent Christ-like life.  Nothing but racket.  Gets all heated up within himself, but never has anything to offer in ministry to others.  So what would you have done in that situation?  Being as I was the only one awake at the time the creature was roaring loudly and accomplishing nothing, I did what any sane human being would do in my place … I smacked it one.  Or two.  I popped its innards with a finger flick worthy of a rowdy kid’s ear in a quiet church.  I’m not sure which tactic exactly was the one that did it, but suddenly the percolator started percolating.  Ah.  Coffee for another day. 

Little did I know that one day was all it had in it.  That time.  The next morning it began again.  Lots of noise.  No coffee.  Hadn’t it learned anything?  If that’s the way you live your life, eventually you will get disciplined.  And who was I to mess with the natural order of things.  I slapped again.  I flicked again.  I shook.  And finally … there came the coffee.  That was yesterday.  I had my system all worked out now.  And when I went in this morning all prepared to once again do battle … the coffee was all made and waiting for me to pour a cup.  Of course it was.  No slappage necessary.  All that had to happen was for it to do what it was created to do.  Will it do it again tomorrow?  No idea.  Will it receive “discipline” if it does not?  Oh, yes.  And if it continues being worthless and in constant need of discipline?  Other arrangements will have to be made. 

Psalms 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”

Father, thank you for the wonderful inventions that make our days so comfortable.  Amen.

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