Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25 – “Center of the universe”



This morning I watched over Cailyn.  I was going to go up to the school to see how I could help out there with the reorganization, but we promised April we would help out with Cailyn when she had classes.  And Anatomy and Physiology was calling.


Cailyn was great – of course.  She never cried.  Just that little scream she has when she can't see someone.  But it's more of a "Hey!  Where did you go?  Don't you know I'm the center of the universe here?"  We finished breakfast together.  Breakfast with DadDad means she can walk around and do whatever she wants, then make a stop every now and then to grab a bite or two.  Her Mom has great taste in breakfast foods, too.  She had waffles and a honey bun.  I had waffle, too.  But that honey bun sure was appealing.  I haven't had one of those in a long time.  I used to smother them in butter and put them in the microwave until it melts..  Oh, that was some good fast food.  She went to sleep for her nap while I was rocking her.  We both slept great for 40 minutes.


I got a message this morning that two of our high school teachers are resigning.  That leaves one guy to become the master teacher and develop a scheme of teaching similar to our Lower Department.  But he can definitely handle the challenge.  He will be a lead teacher, then use others to supplement and aid his teaching.  The "others to supplement" will at first probably be his wife, who is the school board chairman right now, and me.  Should be interesting.  I like the hybrid we are becoming.  I just wish the teachers would stick it out.  Now we have to determine salaries and job descriptions for the new format on two levels instead of just one.


Lunch was interesting today.  Mom wanted to go to IHOP – the same place we went for lunch yesterday.  And she wanted the same thing she had yesterday – The "two by two by two" from the seniors menu.  I didn't want another breakfast, but I found their version of Denny's' Moons Over My Hammy, my all time favorite.  It was a ham and egg sandwich.  Very good.  I asked our waitress what she wanted us to pray for her.  She was kind of stunned, but finally said, "My family, I guess."  So we prayed for Kathy's family.


This afternoon I tried to organize all the different projects I have to be involved with over the next few months.  I have a file folder for each one, and I'm going to try to spend some time each day working with each project.  Seaside Christian Academy Operations, Grant applications, Fund raising campaign to get the final $30,000 for the building, Home Group, Youth Ministry, and Church Operations (little things like the sermon every week).  I made it through all but one.  Hey, I gotta have a goal for tomorrow.


Psalms 102:25-27 says, "In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands.  26 They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment.  Like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded.  27 But you remain the same, and your years will never end."


Father, thank you for letting us know you're going to be there.  Amen.

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