Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 9 – “Another ten percent”


This morning we went to Lowe's and bought ceiling fans for all three bedrooms.  We started out to buy vanity tops for both bathrooms and a kitchen sink, but they just didn't have anything Chris liked.  We finally decided to give the Home Depot across the street a chance to do better than the Galveston one.  To our surprise we found someone to help us out.  And she really knew her stuff.  With her help we ordered the two vanity tops.  Then we added our second order – a kitchen sink.  I can't say I'm particularly excited about picking this one up.  It is made out of cast iron and it weighs 110 pounds.


We did finally go to the good ol' Galveston Home Depot.  I was recognized by the girl who waited on me yesterday as soon as we got in line at the service desk.  As soon as she got off the phone I was called over (in front of several people already in line, I might add).  She checked the computer and raced off to find our long-missing medicine cabinet on her own.  And in less than five minutes she was back with the box in hand.  We checked it out and I quietly asked, "Do we have any word from the manager?"  She said she was on her way to check into it.  She went right to the phone, and after a hurried call, she again called me over.  "He said we could give you another ten percent discount.  Is that OK?"  I thanked her, and in about five more minutes we walked out with our cabinet. 


The latest on the house is good.  The tape and bed crew is finished.  Texturing begins tomorrow.  Painting is sometime after that dries.  Tomorrow we have to order trim and interior doors.


We had pizza for supper with Kel and Christina and the boys.  They wanted to see our house now that it has walls.  It was fun watching them run from room to room.  It was even more fun when they found a broom and dustpan.  For the rest of the time they were there, they swept and hauled out to the street. 


Mark 1:40-42 says, "A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, 'If you are willing, you can make me clean.'

 Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. 'I am willing,' he said. 'Be clean!'   Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured."

Father, sweep me out.  I need it worse than my house does.  Amen.

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