Saturday, April 11, 2009

April 11 – “An Easter egg hunt”


Today we had a family day.  Kel and Christina came over with Jachin and Micah and even an extra little guy they were babysitting.  Nathan and April and Cailyn (and Scooter) came, too.  We started out with dyeing some Easter eggs.  Chris began anew her tradition of saving an egg or two from each year.  She found out years ago that as long as they don't crack, they will last a long time.  The insides slowly dry out.  That means they go through a period where you can gently shake it and hear the rattle.  It's kind of a scary thing, though.  One year when we lived in Denver the boys were playing soccer in the house (no, they weren't supposed to), and the ball landed on Chris' egg basket.  Eggs exploded all over the wall, and the house stunk almost as bad as it did after Ike.  Speaking of Ike, some of Chris' eggs actually survived the storm.  The dye was all gone, so you can't tell when they were made.  I'm trying to convince her to let them go away and concentrate on her new collection. 


In the spirit of yesterday's blog, there are some things that even though they look pretty on the outside (like a dyed egg), there is the potential for some really smelly stuff on the inside.  To put it succinctly, sin stinks.


Jachin and Micah had a great time hunting eggs.  But I think Scooter had more fun than they did.  He ran around jumping like a deer.  He thought every move the boys made was directed at chasing him. 


Wonder why I haven't said much about Cailyn?  She slept through the whole thing.  She woke up after everybody left.  We did get to be a part of something big.  We got to watch her turn over by herself for the first time.  We'll make it into her baby book.  It's not exactly the history books, but we'll sure take it.


John 11:25-26 says, "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?'"


Father, please give us some good weather for the sunrise service in the morning.  It can get cold on the beach, and we have two baptisms.  Amen.

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