Wednesday, February 5, 2025

February 5 - “From there”

Yesterday morning we set aside for a trip to our financial consultant. It was our annual review, but we also had a few other questions. One was about what to do when an IRA reaches maturity. The other had to do with procedures after I become executor of Sam’s estate. Our guy was a big help, as usual. Glad we found him. 

From there we actually drove around downtown Galveston for a while. We don’t get there often. So we decided to search for the Cordray’s shop. They do a tv show on the Magnolia Network. Check it out sometime. All about them redoing homes in our fair city. As it turned out, it was a good thing we were still in the neighborhood. We got a call saying we still had one more paper to sign. Easy enough to stop back by. In fact, we even pulled into the same parking place and didn’t have to pay again. Nice. 

From there we had a very special treat. We used one of our gift cards to have a very nice lunch at Saltgrass Steak House. The food is always great there. Generally feeds us for at least two meals. Thank you bunches to whoever gave us that gift card. 

From there we went to Walmart. No. We didn’t need bananas this time. Instead we picked up some party game prize items from our incredibly generous Super Bowl advertisers. The party must feel real. 

From there we went by the bank to finish up financial stuff, at least for the day. We ended up having to wait for them to figure out how to do a rollover to a different IRA account. Gotta be patient. 

And from there it was back home. Well, until … from there, we headed up to LaPorte to watch Cailyn play some soccer. Well, that was the plan, anyway. And we did watch her for most of the first half. She was amazing, of course. But we didn’t see much of anything the second half. Dense fog rolled in and a distinct chill accompanied it. More than half of the field was shrouded in Twilight Zone quality eeriness. I’m talking … at one point we heard the goalie yell, “I can’t see anything!”  

I’m not sure whether the fog or the chill affected the referee more, but he was certainly, well, bad. Both ways. He threw at least seven yellow cards. Those were just the ones we could see. No telling what he did over in the Twilight Zone Fog. Fans from both sides were in agreement that he was … shall we say … overzealous. As it turned out, the game ended in a tie, 1-1. The drive home wasn’t nearly as foggy as the one there, though. We made it. 

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ says, Now finally, all of you should be like-minded and sympathetic, should love believers, and be compassionate and humble, not paying back evil for evil or insult for insult but, on the contrary, giving a blessing, since you were called for this, so that you can inherit a blessing.

Father, thank you for the folks in our lives who can help out with all the finance stuff. Bless them. Amen. 

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