Sunday, February 23, 2025

February 23 - “1500 piece Spiderman”

Watched some college basketball yesterday. A&M and then U of H. It’s been a while since I just chilled in front of the TV. Of course it wasn’t like going in person to the Baylor game back a few days ago. But that was way better because I got to be with Josh and Caleb and Luke. 

I also worked on the jigsaw puzzle. Chris was focused again on the quilt. I guess we could have stayed in those positions all day. We were supposed to go watch Ezra play football, but the game was canceled due to lightning. 

We did head into Texas, though. Last night was the family celebration of Kel’s birthday. We got him a 1500 piece jigsaw puzzle of Spiderman. Gotta keep him intellectually stimulated going into his personal middle ages. 

Psalms‬ ‭34‬:‭14‬ says, Turn away from evil and do what is good; seek peace and pursue it.

Father, thanks for Kel. Bless him and his family. Amen. 

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