Our first mission was all the way up in Missouri City at 10 A.M. We tracked down another account Sam had, so we had to go in person to deal with it. As it turned out, we still need one more piece of paperwork. Always with the “one more…”
Since a AAA office was in the same strip center, we walked over there. We decided to go old school for our next two road trips. Paper maps of every state we go through. It took her a while, but the girl helping us was ultimately amazing. In fact she reminded me of someone. Someone who also takes forever to decide on a color for her house. Someone who can see 98 different shades … of white! I couldn’t quite put my finger on who that could be, but it was eerily like talking to a clone of … someone very close to me.
By the time we finished there it was well past lunch time. Fortunately, there was a Spring Creek BBQ, also in the same strip center. One stop shopping, for sure. I decided to try the Kansas City version of ribs. Bad choice. They were really bland. Not a lot of flavor. The little bread loaves were worth the trip, though. Fresh and very hot out of the oven.
Next we drove around the southern quarter of Houston’s 610 Loop. All the way around to yet another institution that at one time held a. Account of Sam’s. This one was in Clear Lake.
And hey. We were pretty close, so we stopped at JoAnn’s. It is going out of business, and Chris had some money left on a gift card. Gotta go. She bought some quilt batting. Check.
Speaking of check, we noticed that Target was right next door. And the check? Well, it was more of a gift card than a check. And we entered with another agenda. There was a CVS pharmacy inside. And Chris’ doctor told her to get one of those finger prick, blood testing contraptions. She (the doc) wanted to be convinced that Chris’ near-passing-out spells are not blood sugar related. So what better approach than -when she feels a spell coming on - grabbing the kit, opening it (which the pharmacist needed help doing), loading a test strip into the meter machine, loading a lance into the gun thingie, adjusting the depth level of the spear, washing hands, rubbing the area with alcohol swaps, placing the gun in exactly the right position, pushing the trigger button, wiping the blood onto the swab, check the reading … all the while doing your best not to pass out. Strange and marvelous creation, I’m sure.
Psalms 59:16 says, But I will sing of Your strength and will joyfully proclaim Your faithful love in the morning. For You have been a stronghold for me, a refuge in my day of trouble.
Father, thank you for the sort of successful research day. Amen.
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