Monday, February 17, 2025

February 17 - “Some rich guy”

OK. Beeville. All my hopes and dreams of a particularly luscious honey town were smashed into oblivion. Beeville was named after some rich guy with the last name of Bee. He had three or four first names that were longer than that Mary Poppins word. Sigh. Oh well. On to Cuero. 

And why Cuero, you may ask? That’s where Chris’ two brothers live. They are currently working on a house they intend to flip. It’s been a few years since we have seen them, so it was fun to catch up. Mark grilled some burgers, and we sat outside in the sun and talked for a long time. Good to see them again. 

Our next long-range goal was Waco. It was only three and a half hours away, so we began that direction. We did stay away from those evil Interstate highways, though. Well, except that one we had to cross under. And personally, I was prepared for any excuse stops along the way. 

Sadly, all the potentials were not open on Sunday afternoon. Here’s a look at the prime adventures we missed:

Pecan Grove Apparition Park. This one was a life sized picture of Jesus in someone’s front yard with the accompanying signage. 

A life sized (as in same size as me) Statue of Liberty in the parking lot of a real estate office. 

Both of these were located just outside of Halletsville, which even had an old helicopter on display just past downtown. 

In Schulenberg there was the model aircraft museum. Could have been a fun one. The Big S-Town does win the award for most American flags lining the main drag. I suppose that was for Presidents’ Day?

Somewhere outside of town we saw a sign for the Swiss Alp. Singular. Just one of them, I guess. Probably too expensive to bring over a pair. 

LaGrange was hosting the best little quilt show in Texas. You know we would have stopped for that one. But alas, it was only on the last Friday and Saturday. Just a tad too early. Or late, depending on your perspective. 

Oh. And don’t travel south from Waco on US Highway 77. Word has it they are still cleaning up and cataloguing an alien aircraft that crashed there. Road is closed and you have to take a seven mile detour around it. 

Mark‬ ‭16‬:‭15‬ says, Then He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.”

Father, please be with the ladies working each shift at that hotel yesterday. It had to be tough being the only staffer in the building who had to do everybody’s job. Bless them. Amen. 

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