Wednesday, February 26, 2025

February 26 - “Purr, purr, purr”

Well, guess how we started our day? Yep. Nice, brisk walk in the sunshine and the balmy 60 degree weather. Even though it has been a while (thanks to Winter), Chris was beyond determined to get it done. All two miles of it. And make it, we did (thought I’d throw in a little Yoda backwards talk for you there). 

Speaking of Yoda (actually, this has nothing to do with Yoda. I just wanted to say “Yoda” in my head), so, not speaking of Yoda, we watched an episode of Young Sheldon (one of my new favorites). On it, Sheldon’s mom sang him to sleep with a lilting lullaby. Here’s how it went:

Happy kitty, sleepy kitty

Little ball of fur

Happy kitty, sleepy kitty

Purr, purr, purr

It was horrifying. How any little kid could get to sleep after that is beyond my comprehension. 

Chris had a doctor appointment in the afternoon. I used the opportunity to head over to Walmart for (are you with me, Traci?) … bananas. And grapes and oranges. I guess I was so excited to get them (and to see our favorite Walmart worker and home group denizen, Pedrameh), that I almost forgot to pay. I got clear to the edge of the self check area when I realized I didn’t have a receipt. It still took me a good three count before the reason for its MIA status registered. I hastily backed up. Well, not hastily, exactly. Have you ever tried to back up a Walmart cart from the front? The transaction was still waiting patiently. And Pedrameh didn’t turn me in. Thanks for that. 

Last night we drove to Iowa to watch Cailyn play soccer. Wait. Something is missing there. That should read Iowa Colony. It’s the name of a high school in Alvin, Texas. Still a long way, though. Took us an hour to get there. It was worth the drive though. Good gals won 4-0. 

Oh, and guess what we found sleeping on our front porch chair when we got home. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty … aaarrggghh!

Proverbs‬ ‭19‬:‭17‬ says, Kindness to the poor is a loan to the Lord, and He will give a reward to the lender.

Father, thank you for providing Pedrameh to watch over me. Bless her. Amen. 

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