We had another great crowd at church Sunday. By great I mean both ways. Pretty full seats and some really great people. One RV’ing couple told us they joined Facebook for the first time just so they could keep tuning in to Seaside’s service when they got “back home.” Not sure where “back home” was, but that’s was a pretty cool endorsement of what God is doing.
And there were more than a few red shirts in evidence. Didn’t realize we had so many Chiefs fans. Of course, it is also American Heart Association’s focus on heart disease, so red is also the color of the month.
But back to the Chiefs. We did have our annual Super Bowl Commercials Party. But I have to say, for the first time in a long time we had some pretty strong feelings as to the game’s outcome. Eagles fans came out of the woodwork. In fact, I don’t know who eventually got MVP (I assume it was The Eagles quarterback), but among us, we had some strong votes for Jalix Hunt, the HCU grad. He gave the Chiefs’ offensive line fits. Even had a couple of sacks. Go Huskies!
We added a new game this year. Still did trivia for the rabid actual football fans. And of course we still did the old standard Commercials Bingo. Thanks to our sponsors for the prizes. Oh, and I think Angel Soft’s endearing appeal for everyone to go take a potty break was hilarious. Even had a countdown clock to the end of their commercial. Kudos, toilet paper geniuses.
Romans 12:21 says, Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.
Father, thanks for the fun group we had last night. They make it easy to love ‘em. Amen.
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