Ah. A day of rest-ish in Waco. Josh went to work. The kids went to their respective areas for schoolwork with teacher mom. We went … to Walmart. Can you believe it?
Our goal there was to grab a highly specific t-shirt. See, we came to Waco for the express purpose of watching basketball. Luke has a big game tonight. But to my surprise, Josh asked me to do him a favor. Seems someone gave him three tickets to the Baylor basketball against Arizona last night. Started at 9 pm. His problem was, he had a very important meeting to go to that was going to last beyond 9 pm. So the favor? Would I mind taking Caleb and Luke to the game? Well, hey. I did come up here to watch basketball, right? And I am a pretty cool, ex-basketball-coach grandparent, right? So how could I refuse? So all of that to say this … I bought me a Baylor t-shirt at Walmart.
We had an appointment at 4. No docs or anything like that. We just had to make one to be able to see Zak’s new apartment. Yep. On his own. Doing the adulting. Sounds like he’s pretty excited about the opportunity.
OK. Back to the basketball game story. Caleb, Luke and I left from the potluck and went straight to the parking area Josh told us to go to. Plenty of empty spaces, and we even walked right up and got on the shuttle bus - no waiting.
Getting into the game was just as easy. Strolled right through the security checkpoint and scanned the tickets on my phone. We had to get help to find our seats, but they were really good ones.
The game itself was up and down. Baylor finally made a frantic rally at the end of the game, but sadly, fell short. We were surprised at one point. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and who should be crouched by my seat but Josh. After his meeting someone gave him a ticket. And better still, there was an empty seat right next to ours, so he joined us.
We finally got home around midnight. Tired but happy. It was a great night out with the boys.
3 John 1:11 says, Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God.
Father, thank you for walking with Zak through this new adulting thing. Amen.
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