We had a visitor early yesterday. It was none other than … our roofer. The contractor sent him over to see why we have that leak in the deck roof. Sounds like a simple fix, but when have roof fixes ever been simple?
After he left we braved the diminishing fog and went for a walk. Two miles right off the bat, too. It has been a while, thanks to the wintry weather. Speaking of which, it got cold again. The rains came down and so did the temperatures. Not the greatest weather for a high school soccer game (Cailyn had one scheduled for last night). Eventually, the powers that be agreed with us. Game postponed.
I’m heading out this morning for that always-dreaded confrontation between … my teeth and the dentist. It’s supposed to be just the regular cleaning and checkup. But I’m fairly certain that, like Firestone, they are bound to find something else wrong. Here goes nothing …
John 5:24 says, I assure you: Anyone who hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to life.
Father, please be with me at the appointment this morning. And please join us on our little trip to the Southern regions of our fair state. Amen.
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