Friday, February 28, 2025

February 28 - “Texas sunshine”

We knocked out our two miles. Finished a little before ten. And it was an interesting journey. We made our way through intermittent fog, a brief chill or two, and even a peeking through of some Texas sunshine. I’m ready to be done with those first two. 

After working ahead on some desk work stuff and grabbing some lunch, we spent a while getting the house cleaned up for home group. We have been (and will continue) meeting really spasmodically. Mainly because of our travel schedule. And next week we are off because a group of us are going to Burnet, Texas, for burial of Sam’s ashes. We’ll meet the next week, and then it’s off on our Spring Training trip to Florida and the Carolinas. I’m ready. Let’s go! 

Revelation‬ ‭4‬:‭11‬ says, Our Lord and God, You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power, because You have created all things, and because of Your will they exist and were created.

Father, thanks for our home group family. Bless them in all they do. Amen. 

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