I braved the cool weather (that eventually resulted in some rain, so rainy, cold weather). My goal was to get a title to the car Sam had, so we can get it sold. I went downtown to the tax office, and after a consultation with a supervisor and a quick trip back to the house to get a mileage reading, I think we got the process going. I followed instructions exactly as the supervisor laid them out.
We received new license plates, because the old ones have a handicapped designation on them. We also were warned not to sell the car with those plates on. Otherwise, the new owner could stick you for traffic tickets! I don’t think I’m even going to put the new ones on. In four to seven weeks we should get the new title.
Next executor task was the one where I contact a title company to see what in the world I’m supposed to do to get the property transferred over to the heirs. I had a great introduction to the title agent, by the way, from Cheryl Bell. Always good to have a referral from somebody you trust.
Our contractor came by to see about the next thing on our outside list - repairing the leaky roof under the deck. Hmm. Sounds funny to say a roof is under anything. But the deck is built on top of a covered patio area. He’s supposed to get with his roofing guy to see what they can do. By the way, we both hastily agreed that … it was downright cold up there!
Isaiah 26:3 says, You will keep the mind that is dependent on You in perfect peace, for it is trusting in You.
Father, thank you for the progress on the estate stuff so far. Slow but sure. Amen.
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