Wednesday, February 19, 2025

February 19 - “Elm Mott”

Chris and I took a little excursion trip in the morning. We were somewhere near Elm Mott, Texas. Great name. Our destination was a quilt shop. 

It was quite the little operation there. The quilt shop seemed bigger than the one she usually frequents in Dickinson. It didn’t have any of the material with cool kid-type decorations like she uses for baby quilts, though. 

Next door was a real small-town general store. We didn’t go in that one. Next to that was a feed store. Nope. Didn’t go in there, either. Where we did head was the building marked “Market.”  

Sure enough, it was like a mini-Walmart, except with mostly healthy, homemade stuff. Honey, jams, some woodworking things, and some baked goods. 

I saw a young girl in the back room measuring out some flour. She saw me, too, and smiled demurely. Little flirting action, huh? Actually, I think she was probably a Mennonite, as were most of the sales people. I thought it would be a nice, simple place to live, except … we didn’t see any Blue Bell. Gotta have some Blue Bell to qualify as a nice place to live, you know. But then … as we were exiting the store, what should our wondering eyes behold, but an entire cold storage cabinet for nothing but Blue Bell. OK. I guess these country folks know how to live after all. 

After lunch the kids’ piano teacher came over for their lesson. It’s been fascinating to listen to each one of them. AnnaGrace is still just starting out, but she interacts with the teacher well. Luke would rather be shooting baskets, but he is doing fine as well. Caleb is the old pro. He is downright amazing. His pieces are quite complex, and he’s good. 

Finally the time came for the event for which we made this journey in the first place: Luke’s basketball game. It was a hard-fought affair. Both ways. But in the end the bad guys won 29-25. But on a positive note, Luke scored 19 of the team’s 25. That’s my boy. 

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭9‬ says, But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me.

Father, be with those boys as they grow and develop more and more physically. Amen. 

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