Thursday, February 13, 2025

February 13 - “Triple D”

Well, I endured the Triple D yesterday. Dreaded Deadly Dentist. The hygienist was very kind this time. She didn’t even ask me if I flossed. I actually did floss this at-home dental exercise era, by the way. Several times a week. 

She did six different x-rays. The kind where you have to bite down on the little cardboard thing that grows exponentially once inside your mouth. Always uncomfortable. But her scraping and poking didn’t really hurt much. That’s a definite positive. She didn’t talk much, but I attributed that to her rock-hard focus. 

When she completed her task, the actual dentist came in and did her exam. She noted the crack in one tooth. Said there were three options. First was the “not-so-conservative” approach. Her words, not mine. That would entail putting a full cap on the tooth, but it would never match the rest of the teeth. Second option … she could mix up some filling material and rub that all over the tooth to fill in the crack. Oh, and she could make it match the rest of my mouth. Finally, she said we could just wait and see if it holds. I came up with a fourth. Shoot some superglue on that offensive site and call it a day. She nixed that idea in a hurry. 

Ah, the fun exploits of a Triple D Day. But in the long run I had an exciting report for Chris when I got home: “Look, Ma. No cavities!”

Luke‬ ‭6‬:‭28‬ ‭says, Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

Father, thank you my dentist. I don’t get very excited about what she does, but bless her for her heart to help people. Amen. 

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