Sunday, June 4, 2023

June 4 - “I’m bleeding, Mom”

We got out of town pretty early to head up for Josh’s reception in Waco. Well, not early early, but before 9 anyway. We made great time, so we decided to take a back way after our stop at Buc-ees. Lots of pretty country. Still tons of wildflowers. Those yellow ones, mainly. We hit Waco around 12:30. Not bad. 

We spent the afternoon in various stages of staying cool. Zak went to a movie with some friends. He assured me they were all guys. It was one of the guy’s birthday, so Zak presented him with a gift - at the theater. A fish. A live fish. One of those colorful betas. No aquarium, just the plastic bag. And the funny thing?  They were told that a fish was one of only four animals allowed in the theater. They didn’t reveal the other three. 

Meanwhile, back at the house, Luke and Caleb simply jumped into the swimming pool. Apparently that was a chilling experience for them. The pool is in the shade for most of the day. 

Oh, me?  I tried the whole sitting outside in the shade with Chris thing, but it was way too hot out there for me. I was satisfied to sit in the air conditioning with AnnaGrace and follow the progress of the Astros victory. 

We did have a bit of a crisis inside.  At one point Luke (who had by this time changed out of his wet clothes), came out of his room with a very serious look on his face. He spoke in a low-key, monotone voice, saying, “Mom. Mom. I’m bleeding, Mom. Mom. I don’t know how I did it. Mom. Mom. It’s really bleeding bad, Mom. Mom.”  

Needless to say, he caught my attention. When he rounded the corner, I could see that he wasn’t at all kidding. Blood was streaming down his arm. About that time Christi came out of the kitchen, so I stayed put and out of the way. She took care of the doctoring and got him cleaned up. Come to find out, he had an altercation with his pocket knife after he forgot to close it. The knife won. 

We all did our best to encourage him at supper. You know, things like, “Chicks dig scars,” and “Wear a huge bandage at church so you can get some attention.”  Well, the whole attention thing, combined with mention of church, called to mind a certain young lady who has apparently caught the eye of young Luke. When he lamented that she probably didn’t even like him, every wing man instinct in both mine and Josh’s fabric of being surged to the surface. Josh offered to email a teacher so Luke could be assigned more advantageous seating. I flat out offered to be Luke’s wing man. We were going to church anyway. I could just come out and ask her if she liked him. Hey. Wouldn’t it be better to know for sure? Luke wasn’t too keen on that idea for some reason. I am anxious to see this beautiful maid at church later, though …

Joshua‬ ‭1‬:‭9‬ Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.


Father, please heal up Luke’s cut so he be free to hold hands with “her” if the opportunity should arise. Amen. 

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