Saturday, June 3, 2023

June 3 - “Not yet”

My turn again. Yesterday was my latest appointment with the neurosurgeon about the pain in my back. This would be the pain that results in tingling and numbness all around my waist to my belly button. Very weird. 

The end result of the trip was … (drumroll here) … no surgery yet. When they do surgery on MY back, because it is SO messed up, it will be a super major ordeal. So we should do everything possible to avoid it. Bottom line … back to the pain doc for another shot - this one farther up the spine in the area he is watching carefully to make sure it doesn’t impinge any further on the spinal column itself. I’m supposed to pay attention to leg or arm weakness or balance or falling. You know. All the “You’re almost 70 now” issues. 

As we were driving around good ol’ Houston, we received a text. A very-dear-to-us lady who also was my mom’s best friend was dying. Her daughter was letting us know and inviting us to come by. We took the nearest exit and headed south. 

Two of Mrs. Betty’s kids were there at the house, and we did some reminiscing of our time growing up in the same neighborhood. We prayed with the family before we left, and after that prayer Chris and I went over and prayed again with Mrs. Betty, just so she could hear. I’m pretty sure when I said Amen that an Amen of her own formed on her lips. Gotta love that special lady. 

Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬ says, Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.

Father, please welcome Mrs. Betty into your arms at just the right time. And give her family peace in their grief. Amen. 

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