Thursday, June 15, 2023

June 15 - “It was so hot …”

Yesterday was my day to go fishing. I prefer wade fishing in the Gulf, but it was quite windy, and the waves were churning it up. So I returned to my go-to alternative, the Flamingo Way city park in Jamaica Beach. 

Up front, let me report on the actual fishing. A few hardhead catfish (trash), some croaker and piggies (bait), something big that broke a line (gotta include that one that got away, of course).  And finally, two keeper redfish. Really nice fish that each gave me  a fun battle. 

But … after the sun came up, it was hot. I mean really hot. It was so hot , the fish came up to the top and asked if it was any cooler where I was.

It was so hot that when I spilled my coffee, the atmosphere couldn’t differentiate between the temperatures so a bubble of coffee just sat on the sidewalk and looked longingly at me, asking if it was any cooler in my stomach. 

It was so hot, the suntan lotion came out of the tube, looked around, and dove back inside, sweating. I had to coax it out by standing in the shade. 

It was so hot the shrimp were snapping out of the bait bucket and attaching themselves to the hook, all the while begging to be thrown into the water -  fishes and all. 

I ended up doing something I rarely do. I packed up and left before using up all my bait. But the fish had stopped biting anyway. Did I mention it was hot? 

Back home, Chris baked up one of the redfish for lunch. Yummy stuff. A real perfect “hot.”

Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭19‬ ‭says, Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.


Father, once again I thank you for the fun ways you provide food for us. Amen. 

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