Saturday, June 17, 2023

June 17 - “The music continued …”

was putting away the lawn mower and preparing to get up on the roof an do some tree branch trimming. It is hurricane season, you know. As I bent over to tighten a bolt on the mower, suddenly I heard a noise. Sounded like one of those “hope you go to heaven” songs they play at funerals. I stood up. The music continued. I looked all around me. I supposed, briefly, that it could be coming from our new neighbors next door. But they are in their late 20’s or early 30’s. No way. It could have been their dogs. They are getting used to the Galveston heat. Not an easy task for a German Shepherd or a husky, to be sure. Maybe they cracked under the pressure of the heat and humidity, stole their master’s phone and reprogrammed it to play … yeah, no. And yet the music continued. 

finally determined that maybe it was me getting somewhat closer to heaven. I had been out in the sun for several hours, so I was really hot. And as they say, “when you reach a certain age …”  and the music continued. 

As I began to run through my mental list of thanksgivings and regrets, amidst the now-very pointed funeral chimes, I quieted the thoughts racing through my head and really listened. Yep. There it was again. The music was clearly being punctuated by a voice. And what was that it was saying? Speak, Lord, I’m listening. 

“Wait a minute,” I thought as I came crashing down from my reverie. That’s … that’s … That is a commercial for a funeral home. OK. Color me fooled. Apparently, as I bent down to work on the mower, somehow my phone (in my pocket) turned on Facebook, and the all-seeing Facebookians felt it would be in my best interest to either stop and cool down, or get ready for the worst. Scary creatures, those FaceBookians. 

Oh. I never got to the roof trimming. Figured it must at least be time to get out of the sun. 

1 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬ ‭says, Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

Father, I am ready. There are a few more things I’d like to do and see first, though. Amen. 

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