Wednesday, June 21, 2023

June 21 - “Slip-n-slide Kickball”

We made a big Walmart run yesterday. For bananas. And by the time we checked out we had only spent $122. Well, it was a little less than that. We bought some red delicious apples, but they charged us at tangerine prices. Then we had to stand in line forever to get the refund. But it got done. Bananas are in hand.

Chris had an appointment with the lympho-something or other clinic in the afternoon. Their job apparently kicks in when lymph nodes have been removed. Gotta cover all our bases here. Their recommendation was basically to wear a compression sleeve and do some particular exercises. 

Last night we went to Santa Fe for Cailyn’s annual summer party. Not sure how we made the guest list amidst all the junior high kids, but we felt pretty special. Oops. Wait. They are almost high school kids. My bad. But we felt so special that we took along some of the coveted Dr Pepper float ice cream. 

The youngsters played in the pool, but they had a really great time playing kickball with slip-n-slide base paths and kiddie swimming pool bases. That was hilarious to watch. We had sub sandwiches and grapes to eat. Thanks for letting us oldsters hang out. 

Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭33‬ says, But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Father, thank you for the good kids we met last night. Bless them with your grace. Amen. 

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