Sunday, March 7, 2021

March 7 – “well, my boss …”

Yesterday was another ministry day for Seasiders.  We were asked once again to provide food for the community craft fair held in the park.  As is our custom, all the food we served was provided for a donation of the eater’s choosing.  Proceeds for this one went primarily to disaster relief (for the recent freeze debacle we lived through).  Some will also go to support missions.  For this fair we have become famous for our luxurious bacon cheeseburgers and hot dogs.  For our own craft fair in December, we are famous for our variety of incredible tasting soups.  Occasionally we get a bit of a crossover with people asking for one at the other.  But this was truly burger/dog day.


Lauren, of course, gets top billing as she pulled the event together.  Numerous folks brought or sent baked goods.  Darrell and Ray held down the fort at the grill, cranking out the hot ones as needed.  Bob was there to help set up and take down, certainly one of the hardest jobs, and I saw him praying with folks he had helped.  That’s Bob.  But the stars of the show, as usual, were our team of ladies who faithfully manned the kitchen and served the goods as folks arrived.  Cathy, Sam, Jean, Patti, Dianne, Chris, and Lauren stuck it out with smiles on their faces.  You’ll have to trust me on that … some of them were wearing masks.  Nice job to all you Seasiders who were involved.  I’m proud of you.


Now, I had a chance to say something yesterday that I have always wanted to say in the appropriate context.  I was helping to nail up a sign.  Hammer in hand I was actually successful in getting the four nails in place so that the banner held.  As I was finishing up the third nail, I heard a voice behind me chuckle and say, “Well, well, well.  Would you look at that.  He’s not just a pastor; he’s a carpenter as well.”  There it was.  The perfect opportunity.  I turned to face the voice and hastily replied, “Well, my boss is a carpenter.”  Yep.  That’s all.  I have just always wanted to say that.  Kind of taken aback at first, he finally retorted, “Well, I guess the man upstairs wears a lot of hats.”  Yes, he does. 


1 Peter 4:8 says, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”


Father, thank you for the really good response we had from the community yesterday.  And thanks for the amazing weather you blessed us with for the event.  Amen.

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