Thursday, March 11, 2021

March 11 - “Happy No Mask Day!”

Happy No Mask Day!  Or is it Un-Masking Day? Or maybe You Choose Day? Or perhaps Not Much Has Changed, Really Day. The governor’s wear a mask order has been lifted, but businesses can still require it. I guess the idea is to take it out of the hands of the government and let the individuals decide for themselves. I kind of like that idea. Makes me feel like they don’t consider me quite as stupid ...

I got my run in. No, not a run-in. I mean I ran my 3 miles. I mean I walked three miles and in the process had a Run-in - not in a bad way- with one of my neighbors who happens to be a retired firefighter. We talked for a good fifteen minutes, sharing horror stories about back pain. He had a doctor appointment coming up for his. I shared some ideas about stretches and exercises that have helped me. So not a bad run-in. I just ran into a friend and had a chat. 

The bigger news was I had an appointment to be fitted with new hearing aids. It was scheduled for 11 am. Pretty reasonable time, I thought. Chris came with me on the outside chance she could help me with any big decisions. We arrived about fifteen minutes early and settled in. Finally, at 11:30 I returned to the desk to ask what the holdup was. They didn’t seem to know. I tried again fifteen minutes later. They finally got up and went to the back to check. All I got was, “the doctor is with another party.”  

I was finally called back right at 12. Guess I can say I had a morning appointment and didn’t get in until afternoon. Long wait. 

Chris couldn’t accompany me for the first part. It was another series of tests. I didn’t know about this one, but they locked me in a sound proof room and had me listen to sounds again. The strangest one was when I had to tell them which sound was the upper limit of what I could stand. Felt like some kind of torture device. I was back there for another hour or so before they went and got Chris. She was allowed to be there for the discussion of manufacturers and prices. It is amazing how the technology has changed over the last five years or so. If they can do what these people say they can, I’ll have some pretty decent bionic ears. The whole  process took a while, but I think by about two we had made the selection and we’re heading out the door. Now we wait a few more weeks until they come in. Shipping has been disrupted by Covid, so they really had no idea when they would arrive. 

After all that we deserved a treat. We stopped for a late lunch at Saltgrass. We had some gift cards, so it was an extra special treat. Good stuff. 

Colossians 3:23-24 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Father, thank you for miracles like those hearing aids. You did some amazing creativity inspiring there. Amen 

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