Friday, March 19, 2021

March 19 – “Actually …”

Sigh.  This is becoming a monthly ordeal here at our house.  I spent yet another hour on the phone with AT&T trying to get some answers to why our phone bill increased by a hundred dollars a month.  There are a million tiny reasons they have come up with as to why it might have occurred, so this time I told them to just start over from scratch, sign me up with a plan that costs what I am willing to pay, and be done with all the “fixing.”  Honestly, I don’t know if the issue has been resolved or not.  We’ll see when two things happen.  One, if they actually do email me a correct bill for this month.  And two, if the bill next month is actually what the guy said it would be.  Not holding my breath …


Our afternoon was one of computer work and errand-running.  Randall’s was the target this time.  No, I don’t mean Randall’s was Target.  Or even WalMart.  Just that I had to go to Randall’s.  We each had a prescription waiting.  Oh, and their coffee was on sale again.  I picked up several bags to have on hand.  Chris stayed home and cleaned house, then continued work on her latest quilt. 


Home group was a small one this week.  Kind of fit the story from the book of Joshua.  The Israelites were going up against the tiny town of Ai, so they didn’t take their whole army.  That’s where the comparison breaks down, though.  I’m pretty sure we don’t have anyone hiding religious contraband under a tent in their backyard.  I was just referencing the smaller group.  That’s all I was saying. 


Now I have to go pack.  We are going on a tiny road trip – just to Waco.  And we’re picking up three Spring Break hitch-hikers on the way.  One from Galveston and two from LaMarque.  Should be a fun trip.  We’re returning tomorrow.  Just want to go see Luke play some basketball and Caleb some soccer.  It is supposed to be cold, though.  In the 30’s as I understand it.  That’s fine, I suppose, as long as they keep it up there.  We do not need any more cold on the Island.


Ephesians 4:31-32 says, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”


Father, please join us on our road trip today.  Always room for one more when it’s you.  Amen.

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