Saturday, March 13, 2021

March 13 – “All faded away”

I made it through my three-miler again yesterday.  Strangely, though, the calculator on the health app of my phone indicated I went four plus miles instead.  Guess I’ll take its word for it.  Meanwhile Chris had a full morning.  She had cardiac rehab, as usual.  But afterwards she was blessed with the opportunity to have another hour of physical therapy to endure.  This time it was for her shoulder, which has given her trouble since a rotator cuff tear years ago.  Now she has that therapy twice a week for 20 sessions along with the cardiac rehab.  She is a veritable exercise beast right now. 


Back on the home front, I received an email about our phone bill.  Seems the incentive deals we were on have all faded away.  Now it looks like the bill will be going drastically up from this point forward.  Add it to the ever-growing expense list.  That notification reminded me to call the TV people to see if they have come up with any new loyalty incentives.  Nope.  No such luck.  They encouraged me to keep calling at random times. 


Josh called while I was on the phone with the TV people.  I called him back and was able to thoroughly enjoy the interchanges between him and Luke.  They had just bought a new printer, and Josh was trying his best to set it up.  Luke was there for “moral support.”  Sure, Josh.  You’re forty now.  We all understand that when you reach a certain age, you need the help of someone younger to understand current technology.  And who better than the first-grader who lives in your own house?  Between the two of them they finally got the thing up and running. 


We also made it to one of Jachin’s baseball games.  He played right field again.  Although their team lost both games we saw, Jachin did knock in two runs with a single to center, and he made a really good catch sliding on his knees.  We are proud of that boy.


Psalms 19:14 says, “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”


Father, thank you for Luke’s help yesterday.  Actually, it was really refreshing to hear the exchanges between him and his Dad.  Brought back memories.  Amen.

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