Wednesday, January 27, 2021

January 27 – “That’s what time … for how long??”

Chris had her first cardiac rehab appointment yesterday.  Big day, right?  She went all prepared to hop on that treadmill and defeat the monster that wiped her out just a few months ago now.  And I have to say, the appointment started out on a wonderful foot for her, especially in light of my confusing appointment the day before.  Remember, I was mistaken for a girl.  In Chris’ case, it is important to note that her medical records are all in her first name, which is Ivy.  The therapist came into the waiting room and called for “Mr. Vaughan.”  Yep. Perfect.  Chris said she looked across the waiting room, and no one stood up, so she took the big chance.  Sure enough, the call was for her.  I guess there are men named Ivy, too.  But back to back days of gender confusion are pretty classic.  Can’t wait to see who we are mistaken for today …


But back to the appointment.  She never made it to the horrifying treadmill.  Although she did complete six minutes of walking back and forth from one end of the room to the other, the entire appointment was about being interviewed and reviewed and paper-worked.  She also found out how long this will last.  She has three appointments a week for twelve weeks.  That’s three months if my math serves me correctly.  Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m.  Woohoo. 


In the afternoon we went over to Randall’s to pick up a prescription for her.  The doctor tweaked one of her meds.  While waiting for it to be filled, we walked around the store a few times.  Getting in those steps she thought she would get on the treadmill.  We finally took our place in line again, and Chris’ phone rang.  It was the cardiac rehab clinic.  Seems they had a bit of a double-booking problem.  Unlike the airlines, however, they can’t just go with it and hope someone doesn’t show up.  So she had to change her appointment time.  And guess when the new times are for this lovely, not-a-morning-person bride of mine?  Yep.  8:00.  That would be A.M.  three times a week.  For four months.  Can’t wait to see this …


Psalms 62:1-2 says, “Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.  Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”


Father, be with Chris during this whole cardiac rehab experience.  She can do the early mornings.  Please protect her while she does.  Amen.

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