Thursday, January 14, 2021

January 14 – “Beware alien-induced frequencies …”

Haircut day once again.  That would be for me.  Chris can go a lot longer than I can.  I just can’t stand the tickling in my ears.  Oh, and speaking of ears, I have an interesting new malady to complain about.  My right lower jaw has been sore of late.  I’m pretty sure Chris hasn’t punched me while I was sleeping (Although I have slept past seven for a night or two.  Maybe she has).  Also, and even more strange, every so often, my right ear starts tingling.  Very odd.  First I blamed the long hair.  Then I thought it was my hearing aid emitting some strange, alien-induced frequency in an attempt to take over my body and begin their evil plot to take over the earth.  As exciting as that would be, I’m afraid I have figured out the solution.  When my head is placed in certain positions – like when I concentrate for long periods of time at the computer, or when I’m working on a jigsaw puzzle – I can replicate the odd sensation, to an extent.  It looks like my old neck injury and subsequent surgeries are coming back to bite me again.  Whenever you have a surgery on one level of level of the spine where you fuse or replace a disc, it places extra stress on the two adjoining levels.  They eventually begin to fail as well.  Why not add some issues up there to match the ones down low and in the middle.  At least now nobody back there can feel left out …


Speaking of the rest of my back, we managed to fit in a mile walk yesterday.  Freddy stayed home, so we also increased our pace a little bit.  I also did my back stretches for the first time in a while.  Yep.  I’m sore today.  We’ll definitely hit the streets for another walk later, though, so that should help loosen these cranky old muscles and weary bones.  I should be spry as a Spring chicken before long …


Chris cooked up a new dish yesterday.  Not a full-blown five courser.  Just a side dish.  She discovered some fresh green beans that were packaged in a special bag that you can pop into the microwave and cook.  Keeps them away from all those evil cooking oils and buttery goodness and suspicious spices.  They came out tasting really good.  Well, once I snuck a little bit of salt onto mine.  Really surprised me.  Keep that fresh stuff coming …


Psalms 34:1 says, “I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.”


Father, thank you for things like fresh green beans and long walks.  I guess sometimes “good for you” can be fun and tasty as well.  Amen.

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