Sunday, January 24, 2021

January 24 – “Ingenious”

We made a Randall’s run yesterday.  It was time to pick up another prescription.  This time it was mine, though.  That all went smoothly.  I did find someone’s key in the parking lot.  Turned it in at the service desk.  Chris was also going to redeem her prize from the stamps that she has been collecting.  One of those in-store promotion things.  This one was for some frying pans.  Last time we tried to get them they were out.  And this time … the same.  Thankfully though, they have extended the deadline for redemption to give them time get some more shipped in.  Now we just have to remember to go get them.


While we were out we made a quick stop at WalMart.  Actually it was going to be our walking trail for the day, since it was really foggy outside.  And I had an ingenious idea for our puzzle table.  We needed something to keep the pieces from falling off the edges and into the jaws of the Freddy monster.  Chris has some very specific exceptions, however.  Nothing that marred the table in any way.  And it had to be removable for when we needed the extra seating for big meals.  My thought was pipe insulation strips.  The foam strips are already slit down the middle, and they have sticky sides.  They just slip right on the edge of the table and create a lip that prevents the puzzle pieces from reaching the floor.  See?  Ingenious.  Now we’ll see if it really works. 


While making our rounds we ran into some old friends we haven’t seen in quite a while.  We abandoned our idea of walking around in WalMart circles to chat with them for a while.  That is until we were informed that … Walmart was closing.  In the middle of the afternoon.  On a Saturday.  Horror of all horrors.  What could possibly cause such an earth-shattering decision?   A burglary gone bad?  A ceiling collapse?  A fire?  An imminent nuclear attack?  Well, it was either one of those things or the reported water main break nearby.  We cut our reunion short and left for home. 


Last night the LaMarque Vaughan’s came over for pizza night.  Actually we didn’t know it was pizza night until we found out they were coming, but who’s counting?  They were on a library run, so they had to stop by and see Nana and DadDad, right?  And since they were here anyway, why not run get some pizzas, right?  Of course.  Kel even got off work in time to join us for a slice or two.  Well … a week in Waco.  An evening with LaMarque.  Now we just need to see Cailyn to make our grandkid run complete. 


Psalms 55:22 says, “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”


Father, thank you for the chance to see our old friends.  Please watch over the Batten’s and keep them all healthy and happy.  Amen.

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