Friday, January 1, 2021

January 1 – “Today is next year”

I have officially started my yearly purge of receipts and bill statements that I have saved over the course of the year.  That means there was lots to throw away.  But it also means there is a lot to keep track of.  At least until I get around to doing income tax preparation.  Can’t say I’ll wait until next year anymore.  Today is next year.


We made a trip over to Randall’s the other day.  Had to pick up another prescription for Chris.  Then it was over to WalMart.  Come on, we were already so close.  Besides I needed some envelopes for my end of year stuff, and we needed orange juice for Chris to take her pills with.  Yep.  Doctor’s orders.  Never had orange juice specifically prescribed before.  Strange.  But while we were there, we even checked out the dregs of the Christmas leftovers. 


Back home I finally jumped the truck battery that I have neglected since Chris’ now-infamous heart escapade.  I let it run for a good thirty minutes.  Hope that holds it for a while.  It started fine when I used it to go out to the church yesterday.  Guess I’ll have to be more intentional about driving it in the new year.  And I think I’ll also start saving up for that new transmission.  Does that count as a resolution or two? 


Nathan came by yesterday afternoon with his two young charges.  Cailyn and Noa were with him.  He was coming to pick up the ham hock we had so April can use it for the black-eyed peas portion of their big New Year’s Day lunch.  We even got invited.  Yum.  He also brought over the last of the Christmas presents I ordered for Chris.  It’s a phone battery charger plug-in port with the new sized port for her new phone.  I wanted her to have access to charging the phone on the go, assuming we ever get to do road trips again.  Thanks for finding that for me, Nathan.


So now we crash for the rest of the day.  Not that we stayed up late last night.  We went on to bed around ten.  I did look at the clock around 12:30 though.  Things had gotten eerily quiet.  I finally figured it out.  The constant stream of fireworks had stopped.  Thanks for that, neighbors.  I slept until seven this morning.  Wow.  Very strange to wake up to actual light outside.  I think I could have gone longer, but I had one of those “good morning” calf cramps that work way better than an alarm clock.  Ouch.  I guess there aren’t any parades on TV, so when do the college football games start? 


2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!”


Father, thank you for giving us a fresh start … yet again.  Maybe we can honor you in 2021.  Amen.

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