Sunday, May 5, 2019

May 5 – “Outside the walls”

One part of the Servolution Weekend – the obvious one, I guess – involved the service projects.  20 or so churches all over the Island, and this year even in Texas City, were challenged to take on some service to the community project.  It could be anything, really, just so it took the believers outside the walls of the local church building.  Some did projects on Saturday; others will be doing them this morning.  Some have adjusted their morning schedule to work during their regular church hour – a real challenge to some people to literally “get out of the box.”

Seasiders were encouraged to come up with servolution projects of their own, since we just cooperated in a service project just a few weeks ago when we helped restore a house in Bay Harbor.  Chris came up with one for us.  We were outside mowing the lawn and pulling weeds from flower beds.  As I cranked up the weedeater in the front yard, Chris approached and got my attention.  She reminded me that our neighbors generally mow their yard, but apparently they don’t have access to a weedeater or edger.  So we edged their front sidewalk and swept it all up.  We also trimmed the tree in their front yard that was looking pretty ragged.  We saw the neighbors later on their front porch, but honestly, we don’t thing they have even noticed yet.  That’s OK, though.  It’s not about recognition, it’s about service in the name of Jesus. 

We were not able to attend the United Worship Service of Praise on Friday night, which was another part of the weekend.  I did see some pictures online, though.  Looks like it was a great night of praise.

And now we get to go to Seaside for our Sunday worship.  Cailyn is coming with us, so that always makes for an especially fun day.  Here we go …

Romans 12:12 says, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

Father, thank you for the service that was accomplished this weekend.  Use it to announce to Galveston that believers care.  Amen.

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