Friday, May 31, 2019

May 31 – “A Sense of …”

We came to a major Sense of Realization yesterday.  Because of one conflict after another over the next weeks, we won’t be having home group here until sometime time August.  We’re looking at things like family visiting from out of town, a meeting in Arlington concerning our trip to Alaska, Kid’s Camp in Glen Rose, The Fourth of July, of course our actual trip to Alaska, and Cousins’ Camp.  It is a crazy busy summer already, and we haven’t even reached June yet. 

On a Sense of Accomplishment note, we got the yard mowed yesterday (but didn’t get to weedeat the back yet).  But the big thing was the hedges in the front of the house.  Chris has been wanting them trimmed way back so they won’t be so high.  The hope for the future is that they will instead grow fuller at a lower level and maybe even do some blooming, which they have never done in all the years they have been there, which would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 11 or so (just after Hurricane Ike).  It looks pretty bleak now, but those things have been pretty prolific, so I’m hoping they take off and get filled in pretty quickly. 

A Sense of Realization and a Sense of Accomplishment and a Sense of Hope for the Future.  That’s a full day right there …

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Father, thank you for being right in the middle of our realizations, our accomplishments, and especially our hope for the future.  Amen.

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