Friday, May 24, 2019

May 24 – “Missing out?”

We had an interesting walk the other day.  Our first encounter was with the dog lady.  We chatted with her when she called us over with what appeared to be a sense of great urgency.  Wondering what could possibly be so important to her that she would be needing to tell us about it when we don’t even know her name, we hustled across the street to her side.  Her message?  Well, she just had to apologize to us.  Again, what could she possibly have to apologize to us for when we don’t even know her?  Well, it seems she had bought some tickets to a Boy Scouts banquet of some kind.  She couldn’t attend because of visiting family, so she just tore up the tickets.  OK.  I followed her so far, and so far I still saw no connection to us.  But then it came.  “I’m so sorry.  I should have given them to you.  You could have found someone that could have used them, couldn’t you?”  Well, probably, but it was certainly nothing to beat yourself up about.  Gotta love that sweet ol’ dog lady.

Speaking of dogs, the second encounter that lengthened our walk time was with Kenny, the retired fire fighter.  He was out walking his dogs.  Yep, three of them.  Sounds incredibly manly, doesn’t it?  Well … none of them were much taller than his ankles.  We talked cruising.  He and his wife do nothing but cruise for their vacations.  He’s another one who likes the chance to sit back and do nothing.  We told him about our upcoming trip to Alaska with the cruise to end the whole thing.  He was jealous.  That’s one on his bucket list.  He was also interested in our cruise to the Panama Canal in January.  Of course he was most excited about their next one.  They are headed to Italy for a Mediterranean cruise.  We decided that we would have to meet up again and compare notes when we all get back. 

So there are the latest things we are missing out on.  Boy Scout banquets and cruises in Italy.  You know what?  I’m good.  Bring on the opportunities that are open to me, and I won’t have time to pine over the ones that aren’t.

Galatians 6:7 says, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked.  A man reaps what he sows.”

Father, thank you for the opportunities you give us to do all sorts of wild and wacky things.  Amen.

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