Monday, May 13, 2019

May 13 – “Tightening bolts …”

We had a great Mothers’ Day service yesterday at church.  The crowd was kind of small, but they were all engaged with the sermon.  Jim started off with a real tear jerker Country-Western song.  Something about asking Jesus “if there’s a telephone in heaven, please put Mama on the line.”  It definitely got people’s attention.  As it turned out, the rest of the songs were incredibly upbeat, so the contrast worked really well.  The singing was loud and praiseworthy.  Great praise experience.

The teaching time was a lot of fun as well.  There was a family visiting with three little boys and their Dad’s Mom.  Very appropriate … they were at church with Grandma because it was Mothers’ Day, and the fact was not lost on those youngsters.  For every single question I asked about Moms and kids, they made a connection between their Dad and good ol’ Grandma.  And they weren’t shy about expressing those connections out loud, either.  It sure made my job as teacher a lot easier.  I’m pretty sure it helped everybody else stay engaged in the sermon as well.  Chris had their youngest in the nursery, and it sounded like he was a real humdinger as well.  When he heard the music going at one point, he wanted to know who that was playing the banjo.  Chris told him Mr. Jim was playing his guitar, but no.  He insisted somebody was playing the banjo.  Well, OK then.  Then later he heard the drums and absolutely wanted a piece of that action.  Great kid.  Hope they come back to town soon.

After church the Dad of that family approached me and asked if he could take a look at the stool I sit on every Sunday.  He said there was something wrong with it that he felt certain he could take care of.  I gave him full rein on that proposal.  It did feel like I was shifting rather rapidly on occasion when I got a little excited.  He offered to take it with him to the RV park where they were staying and where his tools were, get it fixed up, then bring it back to the church.  I assured him that would be fine, and if there was no one here, he could just leave it by the door.  Well, as it turned out, he had the tool he needed in his car.  He tightened up the bolts and brought it back in before I could even start turning out the lights.  Gotta love it when people enjoy using their gifts for the Lord. 

And speaking of using gifts, before church one of our newer Seasiders showed up early to help Chris with the usual Sunday morning cleaning duties.  Even brought a tray full of cleaning supplies.  Great job, Valerie.  Thanks for jumping right in there!  Between her and regulars Janell and Brennan and of course Chris, the building reaches a pretty respectable state every week.  I’m proud of you guys.

Joshua 24:15 says, “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living.  But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Father, would you please honor the sacrifice of those folks who are busy each week behind the scenes at church, tightening bolts and cleaning bathrooms and sweeping floors and mopping and emptying trash?  I sure do appreciate them.  Amen.

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