Saturday, May 11, 2019

May 11 – “The Seekasaw Mission”

What better way to spend a Friday than walking around Home Depot?  Well …

We headed over to our local home improvement center in search of some sections of St. Augustine grass sod to help our struggling yard.  Sadly, the ones they had looked like they were the remnants of the last pallet we picked through a month or so ago.  No grass.  So what were we to do?  The truck was already parked.  We were already walking through the parking lot.  We really had no choice.  We had to go on inside.  Just to “walk around,” of course.

Well, not exactly a good idea.  Especially when we got to the power tool section.  You have to understand.  There are a few of the basic tools that I … need … to have available around the house.  I eyed the reciprocating saws first.  That’s the one affectionately called the Sawzall after the brand name.  Interesting tool.  With the right blade it can cut through just about anything.  For instance, I have an old pipe standing up in my backyard right now that’s left over from what used to be a well system for watering the grass.  We’ve been here over twenty years and it has never worked.  The pump, in fact, is gone.  I could easily see that being my very first Sawzall project.  But then, Nathan already has a Sawzall.  I guess I could borrow his if the pipe project ever truly came to fruition.  Sigh.

But seeing the array of power tools whetted my appetite.  I remembered that the chain saw I purchased after Hurricane Ike had long since died.  Nathan had even taken it to a buddy of his who declared it officially beyond repair.  Well, actually he said it would probably cost as much to repair it as it would to buy a new one.  He recommended buying a new one.  I also knew that Nathan has been wanting one, too.  It would be a community purchase.  So where, oh where, are the chain saws located?  I set out on a mission to find them.  Meanwhile, Chris started texting Nathan, chiding him for being so instrumental in my power tool frenzy.  When I realized what was going on, I jumped into their fray, explaining the wisdom of my position.  About the time Nathan entered the question into the Home Depot app he has on his phone and sent us the aisle number, I found it.  The chain saw aisle. 

The texting between my son and his mother continued.  She asked him what kind I should be looking for.  Just as she received his answer, I reached out for the one I would get.  The responses were identical.  It was a sign.  About that time Nathan texted me, “I’m trying to get April to bring me there.”  I told him we would wait for them, thinking he was kidding.  Nope.  Before we knew it, the two of them were walking through the front door.  Seems they needed some stuff for their DIY project – new flooring for their entire upstairs area.  And since we were there together, why wouldn’t we make a quick return trip to the chain saw aisle? 

Well, to make a long story somewhat shorter, Nathan and I went in together and split the cost of the chain saw.  And while April and Chris checked out paint choices for yet another project April has going, Nathan and I checked out the Sawzall aisle.  No further purchase there for us, however.  We were still basking in our chain saw victory.  Oh … later that evening, however, he showed up at the house with a little something he found at a pawn shop for ten bucks … a Sawzall.  Best of both desires.  And all because Home Depot didn’t have any sod.  So … let me sum up our day’s experience:

No sod?  No sad.  Power tools … Aaar, aar, aar.

Isaiah 66:13 says, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.”

Father, thank you for the shopping trip we had with Nathan and April.  It was really fun.  Amen.

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