Tuesday, October 9, 2018

October 9 – “Heidi Update”

It’s been a few days since I updated about the trials and tribulations of Super Senior Dog Heidi.  In a nutshell, Nathan came over to feed our dogs while we were on vacation.  One morning he found Heidi (and the entire room) covered in blood.  Her tail was a mangled mess of tissue and cartilage and skin and hair.  He rushed her to the vet, who performed emergency surgery on her to “clean up the mess that used to be her tail.”  Initial speculation was that perhaps a coyote or some other beast made its way into the yard.  Once she underwent surgery, however, it became more evident that she had chewed off her own tail.  Yep.  It’s the end result of the classic conundrum: What would ever happen if a dog managed to actually catch his tail?  Believe me … we know. 

Nathan kept her overnight, then Kel and Christina took care of her for the rest of the week until we got home.  They did have some issues throughout the week, but she seemed to be doing some better when we got to familiar surroundings.  Well, except for the collar.  That shame dog collar is a pain in the neck, right? 

And then …we had to take her back to the vet one week after her surgery.  Somehow she managed to contort her dachshund body around enough to get her tail again.  Blood everywhere.  Chris took her in to the vet while I took Cailyn’s forgotten softball cleats to her in Texas City. 

The vet put in a stainless steel staple this time.  Not sure how stainless steel will prevent her from chewing her flesh.  Maybe it’s something like silver bullets and werewolves.  Antibiotics.  Continue the gabapentin.  Keep the shame collar on as much as possible.  She can’t get through the dog door with it on, so we have to take her in and out every so often.  It’s like having a puppy again.  Now her checkup yesterday was some better, although the doc did mention that they had considered amputating even more of the nub than they already did.  He was able to get a pretty good stick of the tape, though, so we think the bandage will stay on for a while this time.  She goes back again Friday for a recheck and bandage change.  Dogs … gotta love em.

Psalms 104:10-13 says, “He makes springs pour water into the ravines; it flows between the mountains.  They give water to all the beasts of the field; the wild donkeys quench their thirst.  The birds of the air nest by the waters; they sing among the branches.   He waters the mountains from his upper chambers; the earth is satisfied by the fruit of his work.”

Father, thank you for the vets and the time they have put in stabilizing our goofy old pup’s tail.  Amen.

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