Friday, October 19, 2018

October 19 – “Step on a crack …”

Yes, I know about the Astros.  Brennan was even over here for the first few innings to cheer them on before he had to get to bed.  He did have school today.  We had an abbreviated Bible Study so we could spend the evening celebrating Lauren’s birthday and keeping an eye on the TV screen.  It was indeed an evening of mixed emotions.  The bright elation of honoring the life (up to this point, with more to come) of a good friend.  The disheartening sadness of seeing a season of injury and hope come to an end.  So, yes, I am still an Astros fan.  It’s hard to give up on a team you have followed since you were nine years old.  Let’s see … nine years old … that would be … borrow the one, drop down the five … that would make me a Houston Astros/Colt .45’s fan for some 56 years now.  Nope.  Not giving up on my boys yet. 

I mentioned a few days ago in passing something about a bit of a crisis involving Chris and a piece of sidewalk.  I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t explain just a bit.  As you may recall, when we walk, I usually peel off after three miles and head home so as to give me plenty of time to whine a bit and nurse my sore knee before Chris gets back from her usual five miles and I can revert to my usual male bravado.  That was again the case this fateful day, so all seemed well.  That is, until she came upon a gathering group of workers preparing to do some road construction (Not on our street, though.  In spite of the fact that our street has the worst pre-pothole / sinkhole collection in the neighborhood).  Ever the consummately courteous young woman, Chris left her track in the street and found a sidewalk she upon which she could pass safely and not disturb the workers.  But the … for some unknown and inexplicable reason …. The sidewalk suddenly became uneven.  It rose up to greet her.  That “Step on a crack, you break your mother’s back” crack decided it was time to get its revenge. 

That’s right.  Her foot became entangled with the renegade pathway.  She came crashing to the ground, bearing the brunt of the fall with a knee and elbows and one thumb (Don’t ask me.  That’s what was affected as she scoped out the aftermath).  Those construction workers she went to so much effort to avoid disturbing were at her side in an instant, asking after her health, offering to call someone or get her what she needed.  She assured them that she would be OK, that the worst injury was to her pride.  And then she really threw them for a loop.  She looked up at the nearest guy and with all the mock frustration she could muster, demanded to know, “Who moved that sidewalk?”

Amidst the workers’ obvious confusion and inability to provide an answer to that one, she made her way to her feet, thanked the, for their help, and continued on her walk, leaving them scratching their heads and formulating stories of their own about that interesting little lady and her encounter with the moving sidewalk. 

Psalms 106:1 says, “Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord or fully declare his praise?”

Father, thank you for protecting Chris from any worse injury than the scrapes and bruises she came home with.  And bless those construction workers for their desire to help.  Amen.

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