Wednesday, October 10, 2018

October 10 – “Amazing”

It was a true tyranny of the urgent day around here yesterday.  I intended to get completely finished with the Thursday night home group Bible study preparations and well into sermon prep for Sunday.  Now I will say up front that I almost finished the Bible study and at least I know where I’m going with the sermon prep.  But as for best laid plans …

Much of my time was spent on the telephone.  I called to see about getting the oil changed in the car.  The first two service calls come free when we purchased the car, so I wasn’t going to miss that deal.  Amazingly, they said to come in today at 7 a.m.  On my way now. 

Then I called to see what I need from the doctor to get my prescriptions changed over to monthly mail order through Medicare.  Easy enough.  Just have the doctor call in the prescriptions to them. 

Then I called to set up that doctor’s appointment.  My first one under the new insurance is free as well.  Amazingly, they asked if I could be there Thursday morning at 10. 

Then came the call for a dentist appointment.  Not that I was particularly excited about getting a dentist appointment.  Ever.  Amazingly (but not necessarily happily), I have one for this afternoon.  Yea.  Rah.  Whoopee.  Read here, sarcasm to the extreme.

Then I went over to the AT&T to see if they could explain the new bills I have since we switched plans.  That’s part of the reason we stay loyal, sadly.  It’s because it takes too much of a learning curve to get a handle on the new stuff.  I think the bottom line of what I got out of the discussion was two things: 1) The new way does appear to save us at least a little bit of money.  2) You can’t know for sure what money is involved until you get an actual bill.  And the first bill always has prorated stuff, so that one doesn’t count.  So the second month after you switch you might be able to understand something.  Amazing (In a different way).

When I got home I felt like I was on a roll, so I called the cable TV company and asked them to lower my bill.  No request for changes at all (as long as I can watch the Astros, I’m good), just lower my bill.  Then he asked me one question: “Are you planning to move any time soon?”  Uh … nope.  Good enough.  Amazingly, because I answered that question correctly, he knocked off twenty dollars a month from my bill.  Just because I wasn’t planning to move.  Just … wow.

Last night we drove into Texas and into the heart of the beast that is Houston (Memorial Park) to watch Jachin’s team play some baseball.  He wasn’t supposed to play at all, but he did get into the game briefly as a defensive substitution.  Watch out, Jake Marisnek.  It put us getting home sometime after nine, but it was early enough for us to be able to lend out a box fan to our neighbors across the street.  AC problems.  Right at the end of the season.  Amazing.

Psalms 104:24-28 says, “How many are your works, O Lord!  In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.  There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number — living things both large and small.  There the ships go to and fro, and the leviathan, which you formed to frolic there.  
These all look to you to give them their food at the proper time.  When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things.”

Father, be with Corey and Janell as they await the AC repair guys.  And thank you for the cloud cover this morning.  It should keep them relatively cool.  Amen.

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