Monday, February 29, 2016

February 29 – “Oops Day”

So we finally hit yet another extra day in the life of Planet Earth.  In our efforts to codify our existence, to measure our moments, it is time once again for Oops Day.  Not in the sense that anyone made a mistake, mind you.  It’s just the day we toss in all the extra seconds that have accumulated over the past four years and give everybody an extra chance at a do-over or maybe a never-have-done.  This is the day that inspired Sadie Hawkins Day, that infamous occasion when roles reverse and the girl asks the boy out on a date, or to go steady, or to get married.  In the comics today, Dagwood’s neighbor kid felt like since it was an extra day, then it ought to be a non-day – a time to stay at home from school and work at the very least.  Lots to be said for that one, I guess.  Mr. Dithers didn’t think much of the idea, though.  He mentioned something about a non-pay day, so Dag dropped the discussion. 

As for me, it looks like I’ll be enjoying a typical Monday.  My heaviest workday of the week, usually.  Unless maybe a fire call comes in.  I missed the big structure fire out west of Jamaica Beach Saturday night.  I was not feeling well at all at the time.  Wish I could have at least listened in to the action.  Sigh.  Someday I’ll have that scanner or radio.  From what I heard the house was a total loss, but all the fire fighters did a tremendous job containing it.  Apparently the homeowner’s chiminea wasn’t completely extinguished when he left it unattended to get ready for bed.  Fires on the beach like that have a tendency to blow sparks and fiery debris into neighboring houses and onto the fields of grass.  One of the dangers of the constant sea breeze that cools us in the summer.  The Jamaica Beach Volunteer Fire Department brush truck took care of anything that sprung up along those lines, though.  They worked side by side with Galveston Fire Department to both fight the fire and prevent its spread.  Many kudos to both departments. 

Here’s another quick Josiah quote.  We were at the YMCA on Saturday to watch his brothers play flag football.  He and I went inside the building to use the bathroom.  Before returning outside to the field, though, he stopped just outside the workout room and cocked his head to the side.  I asked what was the matter, and he replied, “Do you hear that?”  Of course I heard nothing beyond the normal YMCA noises.  He strained mightily until finally his eyes brightened.  “I know what it is.”  He announced.  Pointing into the workout room he explained, “It’s from that thing where you run and it tries to pull you off the machine.”  Perfect definition of a treadmill, if you ask me.

Jude 24-25 says, “To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.”

Father, thank you for another week and another extra day.  It’s been a long four years.  Amen.

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