Friday, February 19, 2016

February 19 – “Tiny discoveries … hidden wonders”

I found a chunk of wood out in the backyard yesterday.  Interesting shape, but it looked to be well on its way to becoming mulch.  I rescued it from that certain death and took it into my workshop to see if anything would emerge if I started some off-season carving on it.  Why “off-season” you might ask?  Because I generally only carve during the Christmas season.  Once a year.  One project.  All because I love my wife and she encourages me.  Strangely enough, this scrap of errant tree knot was easy to carve.  Kind of like a soft pine.  But that didn’t fit any of the trees in our back yard.  And it was just a tiny piece, about the size of half a fist.  I’m going to have to do some research back there before the Christmas Carving season arrives.  I might be doing some tree trimming. 

Oh, as it turned out, the only thing that emerged once the carving started was the very rough appearance of an animal’s head that had been ripped violently from its body.  Chris said it kind of had the look of Freddy about it, so she found a place for it on one of the shelves.  I don’t know.  I think maybe she might have been pushing it just a little bit on that one, but she often sees things that I never do.  Oh, well, back to the drawing board.  So I wonder what tree needs to be pruned back there …

1 John 5:3 says, “This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome.”

Father, thank you for tiny discoveries that reveal hidden wonders. Amen.

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