Thursday, February 4, 2016

February 4 – “On Evacuations and … Parties”

Yesterday I spent a lot of time doing some party planning.  Well, not exactly planning per say.  The party is going to happen, even if we do nothing beyond open the front door,  make a pot of chili, and turn on the television.  Nothing can stop the thundering roll of super bowl commercial unveiling day. 

But we have to have a at least a few fun things to play with during the interminable hours between showings of commercials.  It’ll be great to talk with friends and hopefully meet some new people.  But nothing can beat a good, challenging Monstrous Random Super Bowl Trivia Test.  All-new this year are question from past Super Bowl commercial classics as well as a few from actual football games.  Hey, we have to acknowledge our roots at some point.  The commercials do, after all, have to have some kind of a hook to hang on.  Oh, and by popular demand, the Bingo game has returned as well.  Grab your card and watch what happens on the screen.  Prizes, if any, are yet to be determined.  Everyone is welcome, so invite some friends to join you. 

The rest of my day was spent developing some Evacuation Route maps for the church’s Retreat Center.  I actually found one that had already been done (I am not one to duplicate work – to reinvent the wheel).  But that one had a multitude of extra lines and designations all over it, so I pulled out the old faithful white-out pen and went to town.  I think the final result should work just fine once I get them laminated.  And that will mean a quick trip to Office Depot later today.

OK.  I still have about 10 minutes before I have to leave for water exercise class, so I better check my list.  Maybe I can squeeze one more thing in before I go …

1 John 3:1 says, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”

Father, thank you for providing us – no, for being - the very best evacuation route possible for life when it comes to an end.  Amen.

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