Saturday, January 21, 2012

January 21 – “Zombie Prom”

Now I just don't understand the mutated version of rheumatoid arthritis that has deemed it necessary to attack my joints.  First it doesn't have a clear cut signature in blood testing.  Then it redoubles its efforts whenever the weather changes.  Now it keeps me awake at night with throbbing in my elbow and hands.  That's just weird.  And to top it off my feet have been doing their tingling and numbness number again at night.  It got pretty bad last night.  Not to the extent that I cried out and accidentally smacked Chris when I reacted to it.  That only happened the one time so far.  That time it woke me up out of a dead sleep.  This time I never got to sleep, so I was pretty much in control of my flailing.  I finally got up sometime after midnight and took one of the pain pills I try to stay away from.  Then I returned to my crossword puzzle book.  I think I finished up two or three more before the pain started easing enough to let me fall asleep.  Not sure what time it was by then.  But I woke up at 6:30.  That's thirty minutes later than usual, so I guess I slept in.  The elbow and hands are not as bad this morning.  Toes are still numb, but they don't tingle so far.  That's a good sign, I hope.
We went to the Galveston Independent School district musical last night at Ball High.  One of the guys from the church youth group was in it.  He did a really good job, too.  Proud of him.  The play was a fun one called Zombie Prom.  Typical high school romance thwarted by parents and school administration.  Then it took a deadly turn.  The guy kills himself by jumping into a nuclear power plant's waste pool.  He comes back as a zombie and wants to finish high school.  And start where he left off with his girlfriend, of course.  They had some sound issues, and with my terrible hearing, I'm sure I missed some of the funny lines, but I got enough to say I enjoyed it.  One kid was channeling Jim Carey in Mask.  He was quite entertaining.  The female lead had a great voice, as did an eleven year-old girl who played one of the friends.  She could really belt it out.  Our guy from Seaside was miked as well.  He has a great voice.  Now I'll have to pick on him about using it at church.  We also got a kick out of the little guys – second and third graders – who were dressed as 1950's teenagers and doing the same moves as the older kids.  One of them got paired up with an older girl in the prom scene.  Little shot guy and very tall girl.  Very cute.  Especially when she did one of those twirls under the guy's arms.  Funny stuff.  Oh, and I liked it when the kids came down the aisles as zombies and "accidentally" smacked those of us who were sitting on aisle seats.  Engaging the audience in the  action.  Can't go wrong with a ploy like that.  One more performance tonight at 8.  Check it out.
Isaiah 53:6 says, "We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all."
Father, give those kids a real jolt of excitement as they perform.  Amen.

1 comment:

Dave G said...

I'm right there with you, except with psoriatic arthritis. Somedays it is just a nuisance, and other days you could get me to confess to anything just by thumping one of my knuckles.